Friday, May 24, 2019

Prepare Your Home with the Guide Living with Fire in Sonoma County

A lifelong fire professional and public servant, Jack Rosevear has dedicated his career to keeping communities safe. Among his activities, Jack Rosevear serves as the volunteer fire captain for the County of Sonoma and is the former chairman of Fire Safe Sonoma.

To help homeowners prepare for local fires, Fire Safe Sonoma published the guide Living with Fire in Sonoma County. The guide states that a large part of Sonoma County is a high hazard fire environment, and it's not a matter of "if" another wildfire will happen but "when." While not every home will survive a wildfire disaster, homeowners can take steps to safeguard their homes through pre-fire activities. 

Pre-fire activities include building homes using fire-resistant materials, designing subdivisions with fire in mind, and creating a defensible space around one's home through proper vegetation management. The guide provides a step-by-step plan for developing a defensible space around a home and instruction on how to determine whether one's home is ignition prone by examining its design, the era in which it was built, and the materials used in its construction. Additionally, the guide provides a comprehensive FAQ offering insights into fire safety in Sonoma County.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The FIRESafe MARIN CCI Fire Prevention Grant Program