Jack Rosevear, a respected presence in his Northern California community, has held leadership responsibilities spanning law enforcement and fire management. Having held positions such as deputy chief fire marshal with Sonoma County, Jack Rosevear emphasizes the importance of fire prevention in wildfire-prone areas.
The primary threats to homes posed by wildfires are burning embers and airborne pieces of vegetation and wood. Often carried some distance by the wind, they can result in spot fires and ignite homes, as well as dry patches of vegetation and forests.
Preparing homes for potential ember attacks start by keeping areas of the house such as gutters and roofs free from pine needles and other debris liable to combust. At the same time, ensure that missing and loose shingles are regularly replaced, as this prevents embers from penetrating to the roofing deck below. All roof vents should have 1/8 inch metal mesh screening in place to stop embers from entering the house.
The noncombustible area encompassing a five foot perimeter around the house, which is part of the “home ignition zone." Clear all flammable material from exterior walls, including leaves, firewood piles, mulch, and plants that can combust. Additionally, remove items stored under porches and decks.
The adjoining intermediate zone extends from 5 to 30 feet and should be carefully landscaped in ways that integrate breaks that minimize chances of fire advancement. Common breaks include walkways, patios, and driveways, with large items such as propane tanks, kept free of living or other combustible materials.
Lawns should be no higher than four inches, and trees and shrubs should be arranged in small, separated groupings. The extended perimeter reaches 100 feet, with debris and litter removed, as well as small conifers that inhabit the space between mature trees.
The primary threats to homes posed by wildfires are burning embers and airborne pieces of vegetation and wood. Often carried some distance by the wind, they can result in spot fires and ignite homes, as well as dry patches of vegetation and forests.
Preparing homes for potential ember attacks start by keeping areas of the house such as gutters and roofs free from pine needles and other debris liable to combust. At the same time, ensure that missing and loose shingles are regularly replaced, as this prevents embers from penetrating to the roofing deck below. All roof vents should have 1/8 inch metal mesh screening in place to stop embers from entering the house.
The noncombustible area encompassing a five foot perimeter around the house, which is part of the “home ignition zone." Clear all flammable material from exterior walls, including leaves, firewood piles, mulch, and plants that can combust. Additionally, remove items stored under porches and decks.
The adjoining intermediate zone extends from 5 to 30 feet and should be carefully landscaped in ways that integrate breaks that minimize chances of fire advancement. Common breaks include walkways, patios, and driveways, with large items such as propane tanks, kept free of living or other combustible materials.
Lawns should be no higher than four inches, and trees and shrubs should be arranged in small, separated groupings. The extended perimeter reaches 100 feet, with debris and litter removed, as well as small conifers that inhabit the space between mature trees.